Septimius Severus Wife

Septimius Severus’ wife Domna was born in Emesa (present-day Homs) in Roman Syria to an Arab family of priests of the deity Elagabalus.
Domna accepted Severus’ marriage proposal in early 187, and in the summer the couple married in Lugdunum (modern-day Lyon, France), of which Severus was the governor.
The marriage proved happy, and Severus cherished Julia and her political opinions. Julia built “the most splendid reputation” by applying herself to letters and philosophy.

Septimius Severus Sons

He had two sons, Lucius Septimius Bassianus (later nicknamed Caracalla, born 4 April 188 in Lugdunum) and Publius Septimius Geta (born 7 March 189 in Rome).
He had a slightly younger brother, Geta, with whom Caracalla briefly ruled as co-emperor. Caracalla was five years old when his father was acclaimed Augustus on 9 April 193.
Geta’s brother Caracalla acted as Severus’ second-in-command, and administrative and bureaucratic duties were Geta’s responsibility.
In reality, however, the rivalry and antipathy between the brothers did not abate. With the death of Severus in 211, control of the empire passed to Geta and Caracalla jointly.
Caracalla and Geta ended the Roman invasion of Caledonia after concluding a peace with the Caledonians that returned the border of Roman Britain to the line demarcated by Hadrian’s Wall.
During the journey back from Britain to Rome with their father’s ashes, Caracalla and his brother continuously argued with one another, making relations between them increasingly hostile.
Caracalla and Geta considered dividing the empire in half along the Bosphorus to make their co-rule less hostile. Caracalla was to rule in the west and Geta was to rule in the east.
They were persuaded not to do this by their mother.
On 26 December 211, Praetorian Guard loyal to Caracalla assassinated Geta at a reconciliation meeting arranged by their mother. Geta died in his mother’s arms.

Caracalla met Geta

Caracalla then persecuted & executed most of Geta’s supporters. Caracalla killed Geta’s inner circle including guards and advisers, friends, and other military staff under his employ.
On 8 April 217 Caracalla was travelling to visit a temple near Carrhae, now Harran in southern Turkey, where in 53 BC the Romans had suffered a defeat at the hands of the Parthians.
After stopping briefly to urinate, Caracalla was approached by a soldier, Justin Martialis, and stabbed to death.

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