Nero was very popular with his Praetorian guards, lower-class commoners but Roman aristocracy hates him. Most historical sources describe him as tyrannical, self-indulgent and debauched. Some personality attribute.


Event 1 : Killing his Stepbrother

Within one year after Nero became emperor, Nero’s mother Agrippina started losing influence over his son.

Soon, Agrippina started supporting Britannicus (her stepson) in an attempt to make him emperor, or at least threaten Nero.

This angered Emperor Nero and he planned to get rid of Britannicus. Finally, in February 55 AD, he poisoned Britannicus during his own banquet.

Event 2 : Killing his Mother

Few years later, Emperor Nero had an affair with married noble women, Poppaea Sabina. This affair was made public by Agrippina, which earned her the wrath of his son.

Emperor Nero decided to get rid of his mother.

Nero arranges a shipwreck, however Agrippina knew how to swim and she swam to shore.

Nero, realizing that his plan has failed, sent three assassins to kill her. They killed Agrippina and made it look like suicide.


Event 1 : Take care of Needy

After the great fire of Rome, Nero opened gate of his palaces to provide shelter for the homeless, and arranged food supplies for the  survivors of great fire.

Event 2 : Fired Powerful General for minor infraction

Vespasian was a war hero and famous general of roman army. While visiting Greece on official duty he was invited by Nero to attend his recital on the lyre. However, during the recital Vespasian fell asleep.

Nero got annoyed by Vespasian’s behavior and dismiss him army for not paying sufficient attention toward his emperor.

Self indulgent

Event 1 : Nero Olympics Games

Nero seemed to be completely oblivious of reality.

In 67 AD, Nero decided to participate in the Olympics. He added artistic competitions were added to the athletic events. During the Olympics games, Nero sang and played his lyre, acted in plays and raced chariots.

He won every competition in which he competed.

In chariot race, he was thrown from the chariot and forced to leave the race. Despite of this, he was crowned as winner of the race on the basis that he would have won if he had completed the race.

Event 2 : Great Fire of Rome

Many historical sources believe that Nero started the fire in Rome.

Nero motivation is unknown but various historical sources gave various reasons for his madness which includes creation of a real-life backdrop to a theatrical performance about the burning of Troy, to clear the site for his planned palace and building 30-meter-tall statue of himself called Colossus of Nero.


Event 1 : Execution of his first wife Octavia

After Nero fell in love with another woman, he decided to get rid of his wife Octavia. Soon, he divorced and banished her from Rome on the ground of infertility.

However, when people of Rome started to protest, Nero executed her.

Event 2 : Execution of Christians

Nero wanted to blame someone else for starting great fire of Rome. So, he blamed Christians of starting the fire. He arrested many Christians and brutally executed them either by thrown to the wild animal in arena, crucified, and being burned alive.

One of historian Tacitus suggested that Nero was not motivated by a sense of justice, but by a fondness for personal cruelty.

Nero's Persecution of Christian
Nero’s Persecution of Christian

Event 3 : Murder of Poppaea

In summer of 65 AD, Nero’s wife and empress Poppaea was in advance stage of pregnancy. One day she quarreled fiercely with Nero over his spending too much time at the races. In a fit of anger, Nero kicked her in the stomach, causing not only miscarriage but her death.

Event 4 : Castration of Sporus

Nero greatly regretted killing his second wife Poppaea. In 67AD, he saw young boy who greatly resembled Poppaea. Nero castrated him to make a woman out of him. Later he asked her to wear bridal veil and married him.


Event 1 :  Rebuilding Rome after great fire

After great fire cleared the large area of Rome, Nero decided to built a palace complex called the Domus Aurea.

The cost of rebuilding the vast palace complex was massive, so Nero increased taxation, imposed heavy tribute on provinces and debased the roman currency.

Nero’s extravagant construction projects completely drained wealth of Italy and ruined provinces.

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